League Stats

Select Season


Div 1 Points
Div 1 Averages
Career Averages


Div 1

Team Stats

Div 1




Previous Winners

Division 1
Division 2
Burgess Cup
Burgess Plate
Charles Hill Cup
Ken Winchester Trophy
Team Knockout
Anniversary Shield

Division 1 Averages

Player Frames WonPlayedAveragePoints Per Match
1 Evan Plummer 66100.0012.33
2 Labeeb Ahmed 5683.3313.33
Michael Cosham 5683.338.67
Kevin Palmer 5683.335.67
5 Michael Westcott 44100.0015.00
Andy Mitchell 44100.008.00
Henry Eastwood 44100.008.00
Jon Skinner 44100.007.00
Mark Field 4666.675.00
Marianne Williams 4666.674.33
11 Ronnie Sullivan 3475.006.50
Geoff Kidd 3475.006.50
Michael Amsden 3475.006.00
14 Kushal Vadi 22100.007.00
Simon Rogers 22100.007.00
Tom Galvan 22100.006.00
Scott Spearman 22100.006.00
Lewis Allen 22100.006.00
Bob Payne 2366.675.33
Max Burt 2450.006.00
George Edwards 2450.004.00
Oliver Penney 2450.003.50
Steve Gollop 2450.003.00
24 Reg Garbutt 1425.001.50
Graham Thompson 1425.001.50
Gary King 1520.002.80
Lee Shelley 1616.671.00
28 Conor Shelley 060.000.00
Alasdair Ross 060.000.00
Harry Rest 040.000.00
Jerry Sinifield 040.000.00
Jeff Rest 040.000.00
George Rest 040.000.00
Ian Bouttell 040.000.00
Dee Sadasivan 020.000.00
Mark Keresey 020.000.00
Tim Mander 020.000.00
Keiran O'Donovan 020.000.00
Mick Davies 020.000.00
Cheryl Calverlry 020.000.00


Averages and frames won are based on league matches only.

Players must have played at least five matches.

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